Fascial Stretch Therapy

Fascial Stretch Therapy (FST) improves flexibility, increases range-of-motion, and reduces aches and pains.

FST is a table-based assisted stretching program that focuses on your connective tissues surrounding every cell, ligament, joint, organ and muscle in your body. Most professional athletes use it to improve their athletic performance. FST is considered to be one of the quickest and most effective ways to reduce pain, improve your body’s movements, and achieve gains in all aspects of sports and fitness.


  • Those who train regularly. It will release tightness surrounding your muscles so that you can perform at your optimum level and increase your range of motion. It will also increase blood flow to diminish soreness and help you recover faster.

  • Anyone with aches and pains. Tight fascia will transmit into aches in your hips and knees. Release the fascia and the pain is diminished or completely removed!

  • Those who may be working through an injury. Depending on the injury, if the fascia is tight surrounding that area, it can delay the improvements. With a fascial release, your body can now do proper healing and recovery time speeds up.

  • Most office workers or anyone who spends hours sitting. Sitting can result in poor posture, tightness in the chest, shoulders and painful hips. FST has been shown to have incredible outcomes for bad posture.

  • Everyone can benefit from a regular stretch session. It keeps you limber and more free in your movements.


  • Releases tight muscles and stiff joints.

  • Improves low back pain and stiffness in upper back.

  • Improves flexibility and coordination.

  • Reduces risk of injury.

  • Improves movement.

  • Improves sport performance.

  • Boosts organ function.

  • Improves blood circulation.

  • Relieves chronic headaches.

  • Boosts energy levels.

Each session is gentle and feels unbelievable!


The Fascial Stretch Therapy Sessions

$100/60 minutes

$400/5 x 60 minute sessions

$140/90 minutes


Each session will be a relaxing, gentle and pain-free table-based assisted fascial stretching with Rhonda Koerner, Certified Fascial Stretch Therapist. The client should wear moveable, stretchable clothing. If you are interested in booking an appointment or would like additional information, please contact Rhonda at: rhondak01@gmail.com.

Note that you may experience some initial soreness after each appointment. Soreness, as well as aches and pains, will subside and flexibility and range of motion will improve after just one day.

Need help with fascial stretching?

Schedule a Fascial Stretch Therapy session with Rhonda today!